Our Data Agent can be contacted on DAFalconpb@deloitte.ch or by mail to the following address:
Deloitte AG
Data Agent services
Pfingstweidstrasse 11
8005 Zürich
Former clients requiring access to data related to former banking relationships with Falcon Private Bank Ltd. / Falcon Private Ltd. may submit their request by using this form.
Deloitte processes personal data on behalf of Falcon Private Ltd for the purpose of responding to your request for information. We are instructed to process information about you that you provide to us and that is available in Falcon Private Ltd’s archive. We will retain personal data for as long as required by data controller or by applicable law. If you wish to exercise any of the data subjects rights relating to your personal data, or if you have any questions, please contact us via the email address: DAFalconPB@Deloitte.ch
When communicating by email, the requestor hereby explicitly permits Deloitte AG to communicate via the same channel, and the requestor is aware of and assumes the risks associated with the use of this transmission channels and thus accepts to be solely responsible for all consequences and damage involved including but not limited to any loss, delay, corruptions, or unauthorized access.